I am using this Content Management System (CMS) and I like it because it is very powerful, easy to use and it has plenty of plugins. Here are some tricks and tips.
Joomla 1.5
Here are some tips and hacks for this CMS.
How to use direct links with the component WebLinks?
- Open the file /components/com_weblinks/views/category/view.html.php
- Look for the following line:
$link = JRoute::_( 'index.php?view=weblink&catid='.$category->slug.'&id='. $item->slug );
- Add the following line and comment out the above line:
/* $link = JRoute::_( 'index.php?view=weblink&catid='.$category->slug.'&id='. $item->slug ); */ $link = $item->url;
- Save and test the site.
Note: If you are using feeds, you might need to change view.feed.php but I haven't test it.
Please let me know if you had any problems or there is another place where the code must be changed.
How to allow IFrame tags in the HTML code
By default Joomla and TineMCE filter the IFrame tag in the HTML code to prevent some attacks. Follow this steps to desactivate this:
- Log as Super Administrator
- Go to the Article Manager.
- Click on the Parameters icon in the toolbar.
- Look for the section Filtering Options.
- Click on Blacklist and then highlight all the groups which are not allowed to use the IFrame tag or other special tags. In the following example I allowed the Publishers, Managers and Administrators to use this tag.
- Then go to Extensions > Plugin Manager and click on Tiny MCE Editor.
- you may also want to adjust these settings in the plugin:
- Set Code Cleanup on Startup to "Off".
- Set Code cleanup on save to "Front Only" or "Never".
- Set Do not clean HTML entities to "Yes".